Party-Perfect: 5 Must-Have Cookbooks to Elevate Your Gatherings
Hosting gatherings can be a breeze for some and for others it seems like an overwhelming task no matter if it’s family or friends. I personally love to host gatherings but I would be lying if I said it didn’t stress me out. A lot of the pressure I put on myself for having party-perfect gatherings is around what food to serve. I have found to rely on tried-and-true recipes that you enjoy. You don’t have to make a Michelin star meal for your guests to enjoy it. Instead pick recipes that you like and are comfortable making. A pretty plating can elevate any meal. Below are 5 cookbooks that will elevate your gatherings to party-perfect.

1. 100 Cookies: The Baking Book for Every Kitchen, with Classic Cookies, Novel Treats, Brownies, Bars, and More

2. Cooking with Zac: Recipes From Rustic to Refined: A Cookbook

3. Shaken: Drinking with James Bond and Ian Fleming, the Official Cocktail Book

4. Sugar, Butter, Flour: The Waitress Pie Cookbook

5. The Well Plated Cookbook: Fast, Healthy Recipes You’ll Want to Eat
Having party-perfect gatherings doesn’t mean that you are offering crazy complicated dishes that stress you out. It’s about making a fun, relaxing evening for you and your guests. Choosing recipes that you can replicate is more important than trying the most time-consuming dishes. Your guests want to be able to spend time with you and for you to enjoy the evening too. The 5 cookbooks above will create a great menu to start your party-perfect gatherings.

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