A check list of pantry items with a pencil on it.
Fresh Start

Fresh Start for Your Kitchen: Food

When it comes to food where do you start when getting a fresh start in your kitchen? It can be so overwhelming to start from scratch but don’t worry I have some great tips. Over the years I have moved a lot and when you move long distance you rarely can keep anything from your food. 

1. Make a list of all the items you use on a regular basis. 
If you cook a lot of Asian dishes there are basic pantry staples that you will need such as soy sauce. If you love Mexican food taco seasoning and fajita seasoning may be on your list. 
2. Review my list of pantry and fridge essentials. 
Having moved a lot I try to start in my new kitchen with a decent amount of pantry and fridge items. I know that I love to bake so I like to make sure I have what I need as there is nothing worse than trying to make cookies and realizing you don’t have any flour or vanilla. Click here to download my list. 
3. Review your favorite recipes to help you think of items you may forget. 
When making your first grocery list review your favorite recipes to see if there are any specialty ingredients that you used to have in your kitchen. For me I had just about every kind of oil and vinegar before the fire. Now, I review all of my recipes I am going to cook for the week in detail so I don’t forget a key ingredient such as a different oil. 
4. Know that you won’t get everything on the first trip.
When you are getting a fresh start in your kitchen you don’t always have a ton of time to put into your first grocery list. Don’t panic if you forget something you used to use all the time, just add it to the next grocery list. In no time you will have rebuilt a well stocked pantry. 

Over the years one of the best things I have done is built a well stocked pantry and fridge. It was really tough the first few weeks after the fire thinking about all of the food that was lost. As time has gone by I am trying to look at it as a blessing in disguise. Now I get to buy new ingredients and try more new things! Yes, a lot of time I go to reach for a spice and oil and realize I haven’t replaced it yet, but we are slowly rebuilding our pantry stock and soon it will be full. What’s the most important thing in your pantry?

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